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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees


Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

In 2017, S. Girard has been a reviewer for Statistics and Risk Modeling, Extremes and Electronic Journal of Statistics.

In 2017, F. Forbes has been a reviewer for Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of graphical and computational statistics, Statistical analysis and data mining .

In 2017, Julyan Arbel has been reviewer for the Annals of Statistics, Bayesian Analysis, Biometrics, the Canadian Journal of Statistics, Statistics and Computing, Statistics and Probability Letters, the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, as well as for Machine Learning Conferences: the Conference On Learning Theory (COLT), the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). He is also writing Mathematical Reviews for MathSciNet.

Invited Talks

Stéphane Girard has been invited to give a talk to the following conferences:

- 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computing and Statistics [31], London, UK.

- 10th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis [32], Delft, Netherlands.

- 27th Annual Conference of the International Environmetrics Society [33], Bergame, Italy.

- Laboratoire de Statistique Théorique et Appliquée (LSTA), Univ Paris 6. Estimation de mesures de risques à partir des Lp-quantiles extrêmes, mai 2017.

- Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI), Univ Grenoble-Alpes, Introduction à la statistique des valeurs extrêmes, novembre 2017.

Florence Forbes has been invited to give talks at :

- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, April 2017 on Student Sliced Inverse Regression.

- University of La Trobe, Melbourne, Australia, April 2017 on inverse regression approach to robust non-linear high-to-low dimensional mapping.

- The American Statistical Association Joint Statistical meeting 2017 in Baltimore, USA - for a special session entitled "New Dimension Reduction Methods with Applications to Biomedical Studies" , [35].

Julyan Arbel has been invited to give talks at the following seminars and conferences:

- Statistics Seminar, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, England, November 2. Talk: Approximating predictive probabilities of Gibbs-type priors.

- Workshop 'New challenges in statistics for social sciences', Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, October 16-17. Invited tutorial: Bayesian nonparametric mixture models and clustering.

- School of Statistics for Astrophysics: Bayesian methodology, Autrans, France, October 9-13. Tutorial: Bayesian nonparametric clustering.

- Journées Scientifiques d'Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 14-16. Invited talk: Probabilités de découverte d'espèces: Bayes à la rescousse de Good & Turing.

- Statistics Seminar, Université du Québec à Montréal, May 25. Invited talk: Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities.

- Statistics Seminar, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, May 23. Invited talk: Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities.

- Statistical Science Seminar Series, Duke University, Durham, April 14. Invited talk: Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities.

Julyan Arbel gave also the following contributed talks:

- 10th International Conference of Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM), University of London, UK, December 16-18. Invited talk: Approximating predictive probabilities of Gibbs-type priors.

- Bayes in Grenoble reading group, Grenoble, France, November 15. Talk: Approximate Bayesian computation.

- Mathematical Methods of Modern Statistics, CIRM, Luminy, France, July 10-14. Talk: Investigating predictive probabilities of Gibbs-type priors. Poster: On the sub-Gaussianity of the Beta and Dirichlet distributions.

- 11th Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Paris, France, June 26-30. Poster: Sequential Quasi Monte Carlo for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models.

- Workshop YES VIII, Eindhoven, Netherlands, January 23-25. Talk: Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities.

Jean-Baptiste Durand has been invited to give a talk:

- at the seminar of probability and statistics at Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, in Nice, February 2017.

Alexis Arnaud gave a talk at:

- Congrés National d'Imagerie du Vivant, in Paris, November 2017, on Suivi de l'hétérogénéité de la croissance de 4 modèles de gliomes par IRM multiparamétrique analysée par clustering, [48].

Pierre-Antoine Rodesch gave a talk at:

- GDR ISIS, in Paris, March 2017, Un algorithme one-step de reconstruction tomographique en Imagerie X spectrale.

Seminars organization

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Stéphane Girard is at the head of the associated team SIMERGE (Statistical Inference for the Management of Extreme Risks and Global Epidemiology) created in 2015 between mistis and LERSTAD (Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal). The team is part of the LIRIMA (Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées),

Scientific Expertise

Stéphane Girard was a member of the HCERES committee for the evaluation of the SAMM laboratory, Université Paris 1. He also was a referee for the NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.